We are limiting the number of hunters we will take. Book your hunt early! We only took a few hunters during the COVID pandemic, and since then we have drastically reduced turkey hunting guests to help increase our bird numbers. Also, we are aggressively trapping and attempting to control the "egg eaters" on our property. Additionally, we have purchased turkey poults, raised them to maturity, then released them when they were ready. All of these tactics have been necessary recently due to the increase of wild hogs in our area. If you want to help, check out our Night Hog Hunts. It's a lot of fun and you are helping us continue to see diverse wildlife on the Ranch.
In Mississippi, we can hunt turkeys from mid-March to the end of April. State guidelines only allow longbeards to be harvested during turkey seasons. The beard must be at least 6 inches long. No jakes or hens may be harvested in Mississippi. No rifles may be used. You may use a bow or shotgun.
We scout heavily for turkeys before and during the season, plus years of hunting here gives us the knowledge of where the turkeys hang out. We cut timber regularly, managing it to increase the wildlife carrying capacity. Turkeys like to be able to see, so they avoid thick cover. Turkeys like to roost in big timber and fly down in open areas. Therefore, when we cut our timber, we keep all wildlife in mind. We want you to have a successful hunt and we believe you will like what you see.
Our hunters arrive AFTER lunchtime. Check-in will not be taken before 1 PM. We have a safety talk and sign release of liability papers. We discuss any health problems or special needs which could affect your hunt. We assign a room. Then we go hunting, by approximately 2 PM. We have had hunters kill a gobbler within minutes of starting to hunt. Most of the time, the turkey hunters try to roost a turkey and learn the land. Since everyone has a cell phone now with GPS and mapping, most hunters don't need a guide. While you are hunting, we are scouting. You can text me for any suggestions on possible turkey movements.
In the mornings, hunters are on-site before the turkeys come off the roost. Most hunters hunt till 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning (that is, if you don't kill a tom earlier). We come in for lunch around noon, then continue hunting later in the day, until 30 minutes past sunset (dark-thirty). The success rate on toms is greater than 50%.
Even though we can start hunting mid-March, the longbeards really don't start gobbling until later. Of course, this can change with the weather. Be sure to bring your rubber boots: it tends to get damp here in the spring. We do our best to be close to God, but He is in charge of the weather. We hunt rain or shine, hot or cold, flooding or dusty. Bring good boots and rain gear. Mosquito repellent is also a good idea. We do our best to adjust for rough weather, which can have a huge impact on wildlife movement. We do have some sheltered stands for emergencies.
We will not take more than 5 hunters at a time. We spread out to prevent hunting over each other. Also, we don't book hunts back-to-back to avoid putting too much pressure on the birds.
(Friday noon - Sunday noon) Includes hunt, lodging, meals, and services.
Longbeards only Two gobbler limit Semi-guided
BOOK EARLY! We are taking fewer hunters as part of our plan strengthen our turkey numbers.
Opening Weekend: March 15 - 16 Booked
(Saturday & Sunday) Arrive Friday afternoon, March 14, to scout & join us for dinner; Hunt all day Saturday & Sunday
Breakfast will be served and we will break for lunch and rest. Dinner is served after all hunters are back.
The remaining hunts are for Friday afternoon through Sunday morning
March 21 - 23 BOOKED
March 28 - 30 Booked
April 4 - 6 BOOKED
April 11 - 13 BOOKED
Easter: No hunters April 18 - 20
Last Weekend: April 25 - 27 BOOKED
If you want to hunt 3 days, you can arrive on a Thursday to hunt that afternoon & Friday morning.
We need a few days to scout beforehand so we know where the birds are.
Spots are limited.
Call Mark at 601-692-3224 to schedule and pay your deposit.
Two adult gobblers is our limit. Mississippi law prohibits harvesting jakes or hens.
Price does not include a hunting license. Go to mdwfp.com You will also be required to report your harvest on the Mississippi Dept of Wildlife and Fisheries (link above) or call 1-800-BE-SMART before 10 PM on the day of harvest.
We ask that you show up around 1:00 the afternoon of your hunt, after you have had lunch. We will serve dinner.
Laurel (south of us on I-59), Meridian (north of us on 1-59/20), and Waynesboro (east on Hwy 45) have various restaurants.
Please - do not arrive before noon. We want to be ready for you and to give you our full attention.
Some years the turkeys mate early in the season; some years they mate later. It is anyone's guess. We have had Opening Weekend hunters get unhappy by seeing only a few birds, but a week later, birds are everywhere.
We are working diligently to protect our turkey habitat. Local trappers help us out tremendously to catch "egg eaters" and predators. We now offer hog hunts at night. Check out our hog pages and consider scheduling a hog hunt this year.
Turkey Hunting Gallery
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